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Weekly Report 11/04/2020

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Hello, welcome to my latest weekly report. A good week this week for the stock market, with my portfolio up around 4%.

Unfortunately, this good news is counter to some of the Covid-19 news, with the second, third and fourth deaths confirmed in New Zealand. The number of new cases each day is falling in New Zealand, which is promising. However, it is still too early to call as we are in the Easter weekend and there may be a spike in cases in one to two weeks time because of this.

In the US, stocks shot up, with Bernie Sanders ending his campaign, causing healthcare stocks to rise. My opinion on this is that some of Sen. Sanders' policies would be good for the US in the long run and great for the poor- and working-class people in the US, even if it was bad for healthcare providers. Additionally, the Covid-19 numbers in the US seem to be levelling off. However, I expect to see some spikes in the near future as different states lift the lockdown too early.

Weekly report showing the change in the value of a portfolio. This is broken down into Sharesies, NZ shares and Craig’s Investment Partners portfolios. Also shown is the total portfolio value and the top five holdings in the portfolio.

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